Clipwing  - Save days on producing better video content | Product Hunt

Save days on producing better video content

Create dozens of clips from your raw videos, publish more content and grow your video show

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Loved by 3000+ creators
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Save hours cutting clips

All you need for your videos. Nothing you don't

Long video into shorts

Turn your long video into shorts – just highlight the text to make a clip!

Add subtitles

Don't worry that your subtitles won't be visible – we added a safe area!

Generate docs from your video

Get your video’s summary and transcript to distribute your videos and index in Google in 1 click.

Ask AI

Don't want to make clips manually? Ask AI to generate something for you


Resize your clip for social, add your branded background and more!

Collaborate with your team

Share the scripts you made with your team!
Over 1000 clips were created 🌈
Join the community of our creators and create your mind-blowing clips daily

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Check out what our creators think 🫶

Get your short clips

No credit card required

Free 🐛

billed monthly
Upload 1 hour of videos
1 video hour/month
Max 3 exports
Export in 720p
Written assets
Videos are stored for 7 days
ClipWing watermark

Pro 🦋

billed monthly
Upload 20 hours of video
20 video hours/month
Unlimited exports
Export in 1080p
Written assets
Videos are stored during the subscription
No watermark

Studio 🧚

billed monthly
Hire our production team. 
Everything in Pro, +
Professional video content team
Unlimited requests
Full-length podcast editing
3 custom edited clips per video
5 days turnaround

You ask - we answer!

How does Clipwing work?
What types of videos does Clipwing work best with?
Why do I need short clips?
I have a landscape video, and I want to turn it into a vertical video. Can I do it in Clipwing?
What languages are supported?
Can I try Clipwing for free?
In which browsers can I use Clipwing?
I need something else to ask. How can I reach you out?