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Loved by 3000+ creators

Get your short clips

Free 🐛

billed monthly
Upload 1 hour of videos
1 video hour/month
Max 3 exports
Export in 720p
Written assets
Videos are stored for 7 days
ClipWing watermark

Pro 🦋

billed monthly
Upload 20 hours of video
20 video hours/month
Unlimited exports
Export in 1080p
Written assets
Videos are stored during the subscription
No watermark

Studio 🧚

billed monthly
Hire our production team
Everything in Pro, +
Professional video content team
Unlimited requests
Full-length podcast editing
3 custom edited clips per video
5 days turnaround

You ask - we answer!

How does Clipwing work?
What types of videos does Clipwing work best with?
Why do I need short clips?
I have a landscape video, and I want to turn it into a vertical video. Can I do it in Clipwing?
What languages are supported?
Can I try Clipwing for free?
In which browsers can I use Clipwing?
I need something else to ask. How can I reach you out?