How to launch a youtube channel or podcast with evergreen content

User pic of John McTavish
John McTavish
Oct 11, 2024
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If you're not creating evergreen video content, you're missing out on a massive opportunity. Specifically, this post is for you if you’re planning to launch a new channel or start a video podcast on your current channel. An evergreen content strategy is your ticket to sustainable growth on platforms like YouTube.

What's evergreen content, you ask? It's the stuff that keeps on giving long after you've hit that upload button. Unlike those "Top 10 Tech Trends of 2024" videos that become irrelevant faster than you can say "algorithm update," evergreen content stays relevant regardless of when it's consumed.

Now, you might be thinking, "Why should I care about this, I just want to tell the world what I know and share hot takes?" 

Simple: evergreen content is crucial for anyone looking for ideas for a YouTube channel that will stand the test of time. While your competitors are chasing trends, you'll be building a content library that continues to attract views, subscribers, and crucially, clients or customers.

Don't believe me? Consider this: a study by Ahrefs found that 60% of pages ranking in the top 10 of Google are over 3 years old. That's the power of an evergreen content strategy in action.

Choose Timeless Topics: The Art of Staying Relevant

Now you’re probably thinking: "In tech, everything changes at lightning speed. How can anything be timeless?" Fair, but hear me out. The key to creating evergreen video content is to focus on the fundamental challenges and skills that, honestly, don’t really change that much.

When brainstorming ideas for a YouTube channel, consider topics like (these may be bad examples, but if you’re one of these people you probably know better ones):

  • For developers: "Mastering Clean Code Principles" or "Debugging Like a Detective"

  • For designers: "The Psychology of User Experience" or "Color Theory in Digital Design"

  • For product managers: "Agile Methodology: Beyond the Buzzwords" or "The Art of Prioritization"

  • For startup founders: "Building a Company Culture That Scales" or "Pitching to VCs: The Art of Storytelling"

These topics will be relevant whether your viewer is watching in 2024 or 2034. They tap into the core skills and challenges that persist despite technological changes, making them perfect for an evergreen content strategy.

Focus on Solving Problems: Be the Hero They Need

Let's be real: nobody cares about your vlog. What they care about are their problems. Your job is to be the solution provider, the problem-solver extraordinaire. This approach is at the heart of any successful evergreen content strategy.

Start by diving deep into your niche. What are the recurring headaches that keep popping up? For instance:

  • Developers might be pulling their hair out trying to optimize database queries for large-scale applications.

  • Designers could be grappling with creating accessible designs without compromising aesthetics.

  • Product managers might be wrestling with feature creep and scope management.

  • Startup founders could be losing sleep over how to build a minimum viable product on a shoestring budget.

Once you've identified these pain points, create evergreen video content that doesn't just scratch the surface but provides actionable, step-by-step solutions. 

Remember, specificity is your friend here. When coming up with ideas for a YouTube channel, instead of a general video on "How to Code Better," create one on "5 Advanced Techniques for Optimizing React Performance." 

The more specific and solution-oriented your evergreen content, the more valuable it becomes.

I particularly love the way Shaan Puri puts it in this video.

Create Comprehensive Guides: Go Deep or Go Home

Here's the thing about evergreen content: it's not about skimming the surface. It's about diving deep and creating content that's so comprehensive, your viewers will bookmark it and come back again and again.

And the more of these videos you have in your archive, the more often you can reference them whenever these persistent problems pop up over and over on social media. 

Think about creating a series of vlogs that break down complex topics into digestible chunks. This approach is perfect for generating ideas for a YouTube channel that will have lasting value. 

By the end of the series, you'll have a comprehensive guide that you and your viewers can refer to for years to come. And here's the kicker: you can link these videos together, creating a web of evergreen content that keeps viewers engaged and coming back for more.

Optimize your YouTube for Search: Make Google Your Best Friend

Let's talk SEO. Yeah, I know, it's not the sexiest topic, but it's crucial if you want your evergreen video content to actually be found.

Start with your titles. They need to be clear, concise, and include the keywords your audience is actually searching for. Don't try to be clever here – save that for your video content.

Next up: descriptions. This is prime real estate for SEO. Include a detailed summary of your video, sprinkle in those keywords (naturally, please), and add timestamps for different sections of your video. This is a key part of any evergreen content strategy.

Use timestamps to target long-tail keywords and ‘People also ask’ questions related to your main video topic

And don't forget about tags. Use relevant tags that accurately describe your content. Think about what your ideal viewer might be searching for when they're looking for evergreen content like yours.

Update Content Regularly: Keep It Fresh

Just because it's evergreen doesn't mean you can set it and forget it. Technology evolves, best practices change, and you change — your evergreen video content needs to keep up.

Set a reminder to review your evergreen content every 6-12 months. Look for opportunities to update information, add new insights, or improve the production quality. This ongoing maintenance is a big part of a successful evergreen content strategy.

As your channel grows, your own older videos become your new inspiration: Remember last year when I showed you how I do XYZ? Well, I’ve found a better way and I’m gonna share it today.

You're the hero here and everyone loves a growth journey.

When you make significant updates, don't be shy about re-promoting the content. It's a great way to breathe new life into older videos and attract new viewers.

Repurpose and Cross-promote: Squeeze Every Drop of Value

Your evergreen vlog content is a goldmine of valuable information. Don't let it stay locked up in just one format. You don’t have to be on every channel — but up-cycle those ideas into things like: carousels on Instagram or Linkedin, Pinterest pins, blog posts, X threads. 

Not only will this bring more viewers to your channel, you’ll get feedback from new audiences that can inform your next show ideas. 

And don't forget to cross-promote. Link related videos together, create playlists, and mention related content in your videos. The goal is to create a web of evergreen content that keeps viewers engaged and coming back for more.

Measure and Analyze Performance: Data is Your North Star

Look, creating great evergreen video content is only half the battle. You need to know what's working and what's not.

Keep a close eye on your analytics. Look at metrics like:

  • View duration: Are people watching your entire video or dropping off?

  • Engagement: Are viewers leaving comments, liking, and sharing?

  • Traffic sources: How are people finding your evergreen content?

  • Search rankings: Are your videos showing up in search results?

Use this data to refine your evergreen content strategy. Double down on what's working, and rethink what's not.

Conclusion: The Long Game of Evergreen Vlogging

Creating evergreen vlog content isn't a quick win strategy.

By focusing on timeless topics, solving real problems, and continuously refining your approach, you'll build a content library that keeps working for you long after you've moved on to the next video. This is the true power of an evergreen video content strategy.

Remember, in the world of content creation, consistency is key. Keep at it, keep learning, and keep providing value to your audience. With these ideas for a YouTube channel and a solid evergreen content strategy, you're well on your way to creating a show that stands the test of time.

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to start planning your evergreen YouTube content strategy. Your future self (and your audience) will thank you.

Coming up:

We’ll outline an exact strategy to start your video podcast with evergreen content pillars that you can reference over and over again in the first 3-6 months of your show. Stay tuned!

How to launch a youtube channel or podcast with evergreen content

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